H5P activities list

This book includes 33 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
21Lab 7 recapDrag Text
22Lab 8 Activity 3Fill in the Blanks
23Lab 8 Activity 4Fill in the Blanks
25Lab 8 additional body comp calcFill in the Blanks
26Lab 8 activity 5Fill in the Blanks
27Lab 8 additional calc CoVFill in the Blanks
28Lab 10 Activity 4Fill in the Blanks
29Lab 10 Activity 1Fill in the Blanks
30Lab 10 activity 2Fill in the Blanks
31Lab 10 Activity 3Fill in the Blanks
32Lab 10 Activity 5Fill in the Blanks
33Lab 11 lactate thresholdFill in the Blanks
34Lab 9 VO2 practiceFill in the Blanks
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