39 Unit

Kris Elvin O'Brien

In mathematical terms, a “unit” refers to an individual thing or a complete single entity. It can also mean the rightmost number found in the ones place.

Source: https://academichelp.net/stem/math/what-is-unit.html


    1 unit                  1 unit                  1 unit                    3 units


A unit is something that is one complete thing by itself or is one piece of a whole or group. Look at the picture above. Each cube is one unit by itself, but each unit is also a part of a group of 3. If you take 1 unit away, it becomes a group of 2 units. The individual units stay the same, but the group has changed size. See the picture below.


1 unit                    1 unit                   2 units

Often a unit in math refers to the number 1. For example, how many units does it take to make a group of 10? Did you say 10? You’re right!

Click on this link to watch a short video from Learning Blocks about counting. Be sure to look for the units of cubes in each number. Can you count them too?

Unit Counting



Romford, Logan. (2023, July 20 updated 2024, March 5). What Is Unit In Math? Academic Help. https://academichelp.net/stem/math/what-is-unit.html

LearningBlocks. (2024, June 21).  Counting Fun: Back To School Numbers 1 to 20 [Video]. YouTube. https://youtube.com/shorts/JlyLsid_QYU?si=0P9iVqBAttml3yph


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Unit Copyright © by Kris Elvin O'Brien is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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