2 Textbook Chapter & Quiz Questions

On this page, we share resources regarding the digital divide as if they were textbook chapters. These were created to give you more details than the Key Terms & Concepts on the previous page.

We asked Chat GPT and Gemini the following: “Write a middle school textbook chapter about the digital divide.” and “Write a high school textbook chapter about the digital divide.” We asked both AI to write in English and in Hungarian.

Please download these files to your computer to review them.

Please answer the following questions based on your review of the downloaded files:

  1. How do these chapters compare to your experiences with textbooks from middle or high school?
  2. How well do these chapters cover the contents they describe?
  3. Are there any concepts you believe are missing from these chapters? Please explain what is missing.
  4. Based on your experiences, what elements of textbooks are missing from these documents?
  5. Is there anything else you noticed that works well or is missing?