40 Whole Number

Xiangkai Zeng

  • Official Definition: a number that does not include any fractions, negative numbers, or decimals.


  • Children-Friendly language: Whole numbers are very easy to count on our fingers. For example, numbers like 0.5, and 1 ⁄ 3 are weird sections or bits and pieces of each finger, and whole numbers like 1,2,4, are numbers we use our entire finger to count.


  • Pictorial example
    • There are 4 whole apples, you can count them using 4 fingers, so 4 is a whole number.
    • There are 2.5 apples, you can’t represent them using fingers, because there is only one-half of an apple left at the end, so 2.5 is NOT a whole number.


  • Practice time – Click the link below to play the game.
    • https://toytheater.com/place-value-move/
    • This game is called place-value-move. You can drag numbers into the boxes before or after the decimal point. If your number has nothing after the decimal point, or it is filled with zero, your number is a whole number.
    • The number 45 is a whole number.


  • References:
    • Mixed numbers and improper fractions review (article). (n.d.). Khan Academy. https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-fourth-grade-math/imp-fractions-2/imp-mixed-numbers/a/mixed-numbers-and-improper-fractions-review
    • Place Value Move» Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play. (2020, December 30). Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play. https://toytheater.com/place-value-move/



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