14 Fraction

Xiangkai Zeng

  • Official Definition: Fractions represent the parts of a whole or collection of objects.


  • Children-Friendly language: We can think of fractions like slices of pizza. Say we have 1 whole pie, each individual slice represents a fraction of the pie. If you cut the pizza into 8 pieces, then taking slices from the whole pie can be represented by a fraction: 1 slice would be ⅛ of that pie, and 3 slices would be ⅜ of that pie, etc.


  • Pictorial example
    • If you take 1 slice out of the pie, you will have ⅛ of the pizza. The number ⅛ is a fraction.
    • If you take 3 slices out of the pie, you will have ⅜  of the pizza. The number ⅜  is also a fraction.


  • Practice time – Click the link below to play the game.
    • https://toytheater.com/fraction-circles/
    • This game is called fraction circle. You can fill the circle (the pizza) with different slices. If you want to divide the pizza into 8 pieces, then you need to fill the pizza with 8 of ⅛.
    • If you ate 1 slice, it means you took away ⅛ of the pie, and you have ⅞ of the pie left.


  • References:
    • Fraction Circles | Free Virtual Manipulatives | Toy Theater. (2018, August 30). Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play. https://toytheater.com/fraction-circles/
    • SplashLearn. (2020). What is Fraction? – Definition, Facts & Example. Splashlearn.com. https://www.splashlearn.com/math-vocabulary/fractions/fraction


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