30 Product
Xiya Zhang
Formal Definition: Defining product in math, as Eula Ewing Monroe (1998) explained in Math Dictionary for Young People, “A product is the result of multiplication. Like 5×6=30, which is Factor × Factor= Product.”
Kid-speak: In mathematics, a product is a number or a quantity obtained by multiplying two or more numbers together. For example: 2 × 3 = 6. Here, the number 6 is called the product of 2 and 3. As another example, the product of 6 and 4 is 24, because 6 times 4 is 24.

Attribution for this Section Above:
Product (mathematics) facts for kids is shared under a CC BY-SA 3.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Kiddle Encyclopedia.
Way to learn about product:
You can play a Product Game on the interactive applet adapted by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics to exercise your skill with products and multiples.
Object of the Game
To get four squares in a row—vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.
How to Play
To begin the game, Player 1 moves a marker (green square) to a number in the factor list of numbers 1-9 along the bottom of the game screen.
Player 2 then moves the other marker (green square) to any number in the factor list (including the number marked by Player 1). The product of the two marked numbers is determined, and that product is colored red for Player 2.
Player 1 moves either marker to another number, and the new product is colored blue for Player 1.
Players take turns moving a marker, and each product is marked red or blue, depending on which player made the product. However, if a product is already colored, the player does not get a square for that turn.
Play continues until one player wins, or until all squares have been colored.

Credit for this Section Above:
This Product Game Investigation was adapted with permission and guidance from Prime Time: Factors and Multiples, Connected Mathematics Project, G. Lappan, J. Fey, W Fitzgerald, S. Friel and E. Phillips, Dale Seymour Publications (1996), pp. 17‑25.
Eula Ewing Monroe (1998). Math Dictionary for Young People. Silver Burdett Pr.
Factors and Multiples, Connected Mathematics Project, G. Lappan, J. Fey, W Fitzgerald, S. Friel and E. Phillips, Dale Seymour Publications (1996), pp. 17‑25.
Figure 1. “Product of numbers in third grade math” by Mrs.Radichel is licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
Product (mathematics) facts for kids is shared under a CC BY-SA 3.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Kiddle Encyclopedia.
Figure 2. “Product Game” by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is retrieved from https://www.nctm.org/Classroom-Resources/Illuminations/Interactives/Product-Game/