26 Number Path

Kris Elvin O'Brien

Visual model of counting system that includes whole numbers beginning with 1. Arranged in a linear fashion, it is a visual representation that helps teach pre-kindergarten students how to count in ascending or descending order.

Photo Source: schoolisahappyplace.blogspot.com

A number path helps us learn to count when we are young. The numbers are written in order in a line and begin with 1. Just like when we count with our fingers, we can see the numbers and count along the path. We can count forward or backward.

Look at the picture below, can you count the numbers you see?

Start on square 3 – how many squares does it take to go to square 7? How many squares are between 2 and 8? How many between 7 and 10?

Click on this link to watch a short video from www.motion-tutor.com to find out.

Number Path Animation



Monroe, Alice. (2016, October 21). Free Number Line Activities Your Students Will Love. School Is A Happy Place. https://schoolisahappyplace.blogspot.com/2016/10/free-number-line-activities-your.html

Motion-Tutor.com. (2017, March 1). 1st Grade Number Path – Count From A Number [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/wf32qr0eXWg?si=PPSYstVQtFXuc8ob



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Number Path Copyright © by Kris Elvin O'Brien is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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