23 Multiple
Xiangkai Zeng
- Official Definition: Having or involving several parts, elements, or members.
- Children-Friendly language: You might have heard of or used the word “some” and “many”, and they have very similar meanings to the term “multiple”. Let’s say you have 5 pencils in your bag, you can say that “I have multiple pencils”. It’s the same thing as saying “I have some pencil”. In fact, any number larger than 1 can be described as “multiple”, but if you only have 1 pencil, it can not be said as multiple pencils.
- Pictorial example.
- Daniel only has 1 pencil, and he does not have multiple pencils.
- John has 4 pencils, we can say that he has multiple pencils.
- Mia has many pencils, we can say that she has multiple pencils.
- Practice time – Click the link below to play the game.
- https://toytheater.com/bowling/
- This game is called Bowling. You can drag the bowling ball and roll it in the direction you select. It is possible that you knock down one pin or multiple pins. If you hit more than one pin, It means you knocked down multiple pins.
You’ve knocked down one pin.
You’ve knocked down multiple pins.
- References:
- The definition of multiple. (2019). Www.dictionary.com. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/multiple
- Writer2, W. P. (2017, September 21). Bowling Place Value Game | Toy Theater. Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play. https://toytheater.com/bowling/