
Chapter Review Questions

  1. What is the difference between ethics and business ethics?
  2. What is normative ethics?
  3. Why are values an important element of ethics for individuals and organizations?
  4. What are the differences between instrumental and terminal values?
  5. Can an individual be ethical without using ethical principles described in the chapter? Explain.
  6. Identify major classical ethical principles.
  7. Differentiate between the principle of rights and utilitarianism and between justice and universalism.
  8. Why is leadership important for ethical conduct in corporations?
  9. Identify two types of ethical leaders and the important role each plays.
  10. What is the difference between ethics and compliance in organizations?
  11. What is CSR, and why is it important?
  12. What is stakeholder management?
  13. What is the difference between stakeholders and stockholders?
  14. What is different about ethics in a global or international context and ethics in a national context or setting?
  15. What are some global issues that corporations must face today, and why are these important?
  16. Identify some contemporary ethical and compliance trends affecting corporations, employees, and individuals now.
  17. What is a moral entrepreneur?
  18. Does ethics pay? Explain.
  19. After reading this chapter, what are major insights you have about ethics and CSR?


Source contents: Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior. Please visit OpenStax for more details: https://openstax.org/subjects/view-all

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