
Hot Links Address Book

  1. Search the extensive job database of CareerBuilder.com (http://www.careerbuilder.com) for a job in a new city.
  2. Get advice for brushing up your interview skills at the Job Hunting Advice page of The Wall Street Journal’scareer site, http://careers.wsj.com.
  3. How does the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission promote equal opportunity in employment? Visit http://www.eeoc.gov to learn what the agency does.
  4. For the latest news in the human resources field, visit the website of the Society for Human Resource Management at http://www.shrm.org.
  5. Many companies are using the web to help manage employees. Visit ADP, http://www.adp.com, to learn how online services can streamline their HR tasks.
  6. At the NLRB website, http://www.nlrb.gov, you’ll learn about the agency’s many activities and how it protects workers’ rights.
  7. Visit the Social Security Administration site to track the latest cost-of-living adjustment at http://www.ssa.gov. You’ll find it in the Publications section.



Source contents: Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior. Please visit OpenStax for more details: https://openstax.org/subjects/view-all

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