
Key Terms

The individual, group, or organization that needs or wants to share information with another individual, group, or organization.
Interpreting and understanding and making sense of a message.
Translating a message into symbols or language that a receiver can understand.
figurehead role
A necessary role for a manager who wants to inspire people within the organization to feel connected to each other and to the institution, to support the policies and decisions made on behalf of the organization, and to work harder for the good of the institution.
interaction attentiveness/ interaction involvement
A measure of how the receiver of a message is paying close attention and is alert or observant.
Anything that interferes with the communication process.
The individual, group, or organization for which information is intended.



Source contents: Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior. Please visit OpenStax for more details: https://openstax.org/subjects/view-all

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