
Key Terms

A feeling of inability to deal with anticipated harm.
A general feeling of exhaustion that can develop when a person simultaneously experiences too much pressure to perform and too few sources of satisfaction.
Beneficial stress.
Refers to a psychological reaction to an obstruction or impediment to goal-oriented behavior.
general adaptation syndrome
Consists of three stages: the first stage, alarm; the second stage of resistance; and the third stage, exhaustion.
Represents a collection of personality characteristics that involve one’s ability to perceptually or behaviorally transform negative stressors into positive challenges.
health promotion programs
Represent a combination of diagnostic, educational, and behavior modification activities that are aimed at attaining and preserving good health.
locus of control
The concept that much of what happens in one’s life is either under or outside of their own control.
personal control
Represents the extent to which an employee actually has control over factors affecting effective job performance.
rate of life change
The variety of life events were identified and assigned points based upon the extent to which each event is related to stress and illness.
role ambiguity
Occurs when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.
role conflict
The simultaneous occurrence of two (or more) sets of pressures or expectations; compliance with one would make it difficult to comply with the other.
role overload
A condition in which individuals feel they are being asked to do more than time or ability permits.
role underutilization
Occurs when employees are allowed to use only a few of their skills and abilities, even though they are required to make heavy use of them.
social support
The extent to which organization members feel their peers can be trusted, are interested in one another’s welfare, respect one another, and have a genuine positive regard for one another.
The damage resulting from experiencing stress.
A physical and emotional reaction to potentially threatening aspects of the environment.
tolerance for ambiguity
Individuals measure and affect by role ambiguity (in terms of stress, reduced performance, or propensity to leave) than others with a low tolerance for ambiguity.
Type A personality
Type A personality is characterized by impatience, restlessness, aggressiveness, competitiveness, polyphasic activities, and being under considerable time pressure.

Source contents: Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior. Please visit OpenStax for more details: https://openstax.org/subjects/view-all

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