3 In The News

On this page, we share resources regarding the digital divide from a real resource as well as from generative AI, from Chat GPT and Gemini. We have added different formats generated from these contents using Slidespeak and Copilot.

The first article is from the British newspaper The Economist. It has been a staple of publications about current affairs since 1843 and it features articles on a whole host of topics relevant to the general public.

The article we share is a one sponsored by VISA, a financial services provider, about the digital divide. The article describes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on connectedness around the world. You can click the thumbnail below or click this link to read it.

Here is a quote to consider before you start reading: “Access to technology has helped to drive financial inclusion and economic equity, but connectivity alone is not always enough to ensure that everyone has a chance to thrive in today’s digital economy.”

As you read this article, take notes on the following:


Here are articles from Chat GPT and Gemini about the digital divide. We asked these generative AI services to do the following: “Write an article about the digital divide in the style of the Economist newspaper.” The items below are the articles generated in English. The final item in this list is “in the of HVG”, a popular Hungarian magazine similar to The Economist in style and types of articles.


The following are slides generated by a service called Slidespeak. Slidespeak “summarize[s] PowerPoint or Word documents, generate[s] presentations with AI and much more.” We uploaded the Chat GPT generated article into it to see the results and generated slides in formal and informal style as well as different lengths.