1.6 Chapter Assessment
The following are sample questions to test whether you know, understand, and are able to apply your learning from this chapter
1. Excel has _______ rows:
a) 2,000
b) 16,384
c) 33,000
d) 1,048,57
a) 2,000
b) 16,384
c) 33,000
d) 1,048,57
2. MIS is a possible column heading in Excel:
a) Cell reference
b) Column designation
c) Range reference
d) Row name
3. What is the shortcut/key combination to paste a selection you copied to the clipboard?
4. What is the range reference for the highlighted selection?

a) A1:B14
b) B1:B14
c) B2:B14
d) B3:B14
5. Enter data as directed in Chapter 1.2, make sure your values appear as they are shown in Figure 1.25. Which of the following formulas is best to return the Average Price from January through December?
a) =AVERAGE(C3$C14)
b) =AVERAGE(C3%C14)
c) =AVERAGE(C3:C14)
d) =SUM(C3%C14)/12
e) =SUM(C3:C14)/12
6. Enter data as directed in Chapter 1.2, make sure your values appear as they are shown in Figure 1.25. Which month has the second highest Sales Dollars?
a) February
b) June
c) November
d) December
7. Enter data as directed in Chapter 1.2, make sure your values appear as they are shown in Figure 1.25. Which month has the third-highest Unit Sales?
a) February
b) July
c) November
d) December
8. Enter data as directed in Chapter 1.2, make sure your values appear as they are shown in Figure 1.25. Which month has the lowest Average Price?
a) January
b) February
c) June
d) December
9. Pound signs (####) appear in columns when:
a) A column is too narrow for a long number.
b) Excel cannot recognize the data type entered.
c) You make a typo when entering data.
d) You misspell a function.
10. Once a worksheet is deleted, you cannot use the Undo command to bring the sheet back.
Solutions: 1/d, 2/b, 3/d, 4/d, 5/c, 6/b, 7/b, 8/a, 9/a, 10/True
Questions by Emese Felvégi & Lois K. Hamburger based on the chapter practice problems. Edited by Lilliana E. Olmos & Marcella Olmos. CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.
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- Ch1_Range_1