Installing on Linux


To use GUI packages with Linux, you will need to install the following extended dependencies for Qt:

Debian apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libegl1-mesa libxrandr2 libxrandr2 libxss1 libxcursor1 libxcomposite1 libasound2 libxi6 libxtst6
RedHat yum install libXcomposite libXcursor libXi libXtst libXrandr alsa-lib mesa-libEGL libXdamage mesa-libGL libXScrnSaver
ArchLinux pacman -Sy libxau libxi libxss libxtst libxcursor libxcomposite libxdamage libxfixes libxrandr libxrender mesa-libgl  alsa-lib libglvnd
OpenSuse/SLES zypper install libXcomposite1 libXi6 libXext6 libXau6 libX11-6 libXrandr2 libXrender1 libXss1 libXtst6 libXdamage1 libXcursor1 libxcb1 libasound2  libX11-xcb1 Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libEGL1
Gentoo emerge x11-libs/libXau x11-libs/libxcb x11-libs/libX11 x11-libs/libXext x11-libs/libXfixes x11-libs/libXrender x11-libs/libXi x11-libs/libXcomposite x11-libs/libXrandr x11-libs/libXcursor x11-libs/libXdamage x11-libs/libXScrnSaver x11-libs/libXtst media-libs/alsa-lib media-libs/mesa


For x86 systems.

  1. In your browser, download the Anaconda installer for Linux.

  2. Optional: Verify data integrity with MD5 or SHA-256.
    (For more information on hashes, see cryptographic hash validation.)

    1. Open a terminal and run the following:

      md5sum /path/filename


      sha256sum /path/filename


      Replace /path/filename with the actual path and filename of the file you downloaded.

    2. Optional: Verify results against the proper hash page
      to make sure the hashes match.

  3. Enter the following to install Anaconda for Python 3.7:

    bash ~/Downloads/

    OR Enter the following to install Anaconda for Python 2.7:

    bash ~/Downloads/


    Include the bash command regardless of whether or not you are
    using Bash shell.


    If you did not download to your Downloads directory, replace
    ~/Downloads/ with the path to the file you downloaded.

  4. The installer prompts “In order to continue the installation process,
    please review the license agreement.” Click Enter to view license terms.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the license terms and enter “Yes” to agree.

  6. The installer prompts you to click Enter to accept the default install location,
    CTRL-C to cancel the installation, or specify an alternate installation
    directory. If you accept the default install location, the installer displays
    “PREFIX=/home/<user>/anaconda<2 or 3>” and continues the installation.
    It may take a few minutes to complete.


    We recommend you accept the default install location. Do not choose the path as /usr for the
    Anaconda/Miniconda installation.

  7. The installer prompts “Do you wish the installer to initialize Anaconda3
    by running conda init?” We recommend “yes”.


    If you enter “no”, then conda will not modify your shell scripts at all.
    In order to initialize after the installation process is done, first run
    source <path to conda>/bin/activate and then run conda init.
    See FAQ.

  8. The installer finishes and displays “Thank you for installing Anaconda<2 or 3>!”

  9. The installer provides a link to install PyCharm for Anaconda at

  10. Close and open your terminal window for the installation to take
    effect, or you can enter the command source ~/.bashrc.

  11. To control whether or not each shell session has the base environment
    activated or not, run conda config --set auto_activate_base False
    or True
    . To run conda from anywhere without having the base environment
    activated by default, use conda config --set auto_activate_base False.
    This only works if you have run conda init first.


    conda init is available in conda versions 4.6.12 and later.

  12. After your install is complete, verify it by opening Anaconda Navigator, a
    program that is included with Anaconda: Open a terminal window and type
    anaconda-navigator. If Navigator opens, you have successfully installed
    Anaconda. If not, check that you completed each step above, then see our
    Help page.


    For more information about Anaconda Navigator,
    see Navigator.

After your install completes, start using Anaconda with the instructions
in Getting started with Anaconda.


If you install multiple versions of Anaconda, the system defaults to
the most current version as long as you haven’t altered the default install